About iClean


Welcome to the About Page of iClean! Here, you'll learn more about the bot, its features, and the person behind its creation.

About iClean

iClean is a free and powerful Discord bot designed to help server administrators manage and maintain their servers with ease. The bot offers a wide range of moderation and utility features to enhance the user experience within your Discord community. Whether you're dealing with spam, inappropriate messages, or simply want to keep your channels tidy, iClean is here to help.

Key Features

  • /clean: Purge a specified number of messages in a channel.
  • /vacuum: Delete the current channel and create a new one with the same properties.
  • /info: Get statistics about the bot, including messages cleaned, channels swept, and servers the bot is in.
  • /ping: Check the bot's current ping.
  • /about: Learn more about the bot and its background.
  • /autoclean: Enable or disable auto-cleaning of inappropriate messages, and log them in a specified channel.
  • /settings: Configure various settings for the bot, including setting a time limit for commands and restricting commands to specific channels.

These features help keep your Discord server clean, organized, and free from inappropriate content, enhancing the overall experience for your community members.

About the Developer

Hello! I'm n0train, the developer behind iClean. You can find me on Discord as "n0train". I created iClean with the aim of providing server administrators with a reliable tool to manage their servers more effectively.


I have a passion for coding and developing tools that make life easier for people. iClean is a product of this passion, built to address the common challenges faced by Discord server administrators. By automating moderation tasks and offering useful utility commands, iClean allows administrators to focus on building a positive and engaging community.


My mission is to continuously improve iClean by adding new features and enhancing existing ones based on user feedback. I believe in the power of community-driven development and am always open to suggestions and ideas from users.

Contact Me

If you have any questions, feedback, or need support, feel free to reach out to me on Discord at "n0train". Your input is invaluable and helps shape the future of iClean.

Thank you for using iClean! I hope it makes managing your Discord server a breeze. My goal is to provide you with the tools you need to create a safe, organized, and engaging community for your members.