
Welcome to iClean

iClean is a powerful and free Discord bot designed to assist server administrators in managing and maintaining their servers efficiently. Our bot offers a wide array of moderation and utility features to enhance the user experience within your Discord community. Whether you're dealing with spam, inappropriate messages, or simply want to keep your channels organized, iClean is here to help.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. How to Install
  4. Commands
  5. Terms of Service
  6. Privacy Policy
  7. Contribution License
  8. Contact Us


iClean is built to provide a comprehensive set of tools for Discord server administrators to maintain a clean, organized, and safe environment for their members. The bot is user-friendly, easy to set up, and comes with extensive documentation to help you get started quickly. With iClean, you can automate tedious moderation tasks, enforce server rules, and focus on fostering a positive community.


iClean offers a robust set of features designed to make server management effortless:

  1. /clean: This command allows you to purge a specified number of messages in a channel, helping you quickly remove spam or unwanted messages.
  2. /vacuum: With this command, you can delete the current channel and create a new one with the same properties. This is useful for starting fresh without having to manually configure a new channel.
  3. /info: Get detailed statistics about the bot, including the number of messages cleaned, channels swept, and servers the bot is active in. This helps you track the bot's performance and impact.
  4. /ping: Check the bot's current ping to ensure it is responsive and functioning properly.
  5. /about: Learn more about iClean, its development, and the team behind it. This command provides background information and insights into the bot's creation and purpose.
  6. /autoclean: Enable or disable auto-cleaning of inappropriate messages. You can also specify a channel to log these messages for review. This feature helps maintain a respectful and safe environment by automatically handling rule violations.
  7. /settings: Configure various settings for the bot, such as setting a time limit for commands, restricting commands to specific channels, and more. This command gives you full control over how the bot operates within your server.

These features are designed to help you keep your Discord server clean, organized, and free from inappropriate content, enhancing the overall experience for your community members.

How to Install

Installing iClean on your Discord server is simple and straightforward:

  1. Invite the Bot: Use this link to invite iClean to your Discord server. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to add a bot to the server.
  2. Authorize the Bot: Follow the prompts to authorize iClean and grant it the required permissions to operate effectively.
  3. Configure Settings: Once iClean is added to your server, use the /settings command to configure various settings according to your server's needs. You can set command restrictions, time limits, and more.
  4. Start Using iClean: Begin using iClean's features to manage and maintain your server. Refer to our Commands Page (opens in a new tab) for a full list of commands and how to use them.


iClean provides a comprehensive list of commands to help you manage your server efficiently. Visit our Commands Page (opens in a new tab) for detailed information on each command, including usage examples and tips.

Terms of Service

By using iClean, you agree to our Terms of Service (opens in a new tab). These terms outline the rules and guidelines for using the bot, including user conduct, data collection, and liability limitations. It is important to review and understand these terms to ensure compliance and avoid any potential issues.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. Review our Privacy Policy (opens in a new tab) to understand how we handle your data. This policy explains the types of information we collect, how it is used, and the measures we take to protect your data. We are committed to ensuring your privacy and security while using iClean.

Contribution License

Read our Contribution License (opens in a new tab) to understand how we handle your submissions and feedback. This license outlines the terms under which you can contribute suggestions, ideas, and feedback, as well as how we may use this information. We value your input and aim to be transparent about how contributions are managed.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at Discord (opens in a new tab). We are here to assist you with any issues or inquiries you may have. Your feedback is important to us, and we strive to provide excellent support to ensure your experience with iClean is positive and satisfactory.

Thank you for choosing iClean! We hope our bot makes managing your Discord server a breeze. Our goal is to provide you with the tools you need to create a safe, organized, and engaging community for your members.